Easy way to build an API with Python


As usual, I’m going to share some tips to help your users to work with python.
And today, it will be a way to use Flask to create an API
So the first step it’s to pip install the Flask and then use the documentation from the Flask site to start the API.

Now you must create an account on replit.com to make your API available and add the database.
As I mentioned, I will access the Replit site to up the database from an excel file. Then, I will paste my script, and we will have an API working.

the code on replit
import requests
link = "https://first-api.brauhermanson.repl.co/work/group"
requisicao = requests.get(link)
print requests



Bráulio Hermanson
Bráulio Hermanson

Written by Bráulio Hermanson

Data Analyst — Marketing and Specialist Data. | Python | Power BI | DataBricks | SQL | Hue Hadoop | Excel |Spark.

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